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Your Gateway to Global Commercialization


CICL screens thousands of privately owned and publicly traded companies for truly innovative solutions that satisfy large unmet needs.  CICL engages with Companies that meet the CICL client requirements (sustainable differentiated innovative competitive advantage, strong value proposition and client references).


CICL identifies strategically selected distribution channels as well as specifically targeted end users and approaches them through direct relationships formed over many years, typically at the C level or decision making level.  


CICL works with its specifically targeted distribution channels and end users to accelerate the flow of innovative solutions into them, thus paving the way for faster introduction, evaluation, and time to market process to accelerate end user and distribution channel partners sales, cash flow, and market shares while driving greater sales for CICL client companies.


CICL’s global management team identifies new innovative solutions, provides due diligence, gets engaged by the solution innovator and provides strategy to its clients and distribution channels on marketing, distribution, product enhancement, for companies that have significant sustainable competitive advantages (mainly sourced from but not limited to Israel) that are already selling in market with paying customers willing to serve as a reference. 


CICL helps its client companies accelerate their sales through the introduction to specifically targeted new end user customers and to US and international resellers, marketing and distribution channels. CICL is only paid from success based royalties generated from CICL introduced sales and strategic alliances.


CICL enables its clients to increase their sales and global market share, without taking on the costs of a full US and or international sales team, thus helping our clients increase revenues, credibility, valuation and access to capital.



If you have a innovative solution you believe is disruptive that satisfies a large unmet need and is ready for market or in market and you are looking to enhance your distribution, please contact us

Client  Requirements


CICL uses the following criteria to evaluate Company's solutions: 


Innovative - Company has to have an innovative/distruptive solution with a significant competitive advantage.


In the Market - Solution has to be ready or already in the market with customers that are willing to serve as reference.


Sustainable- Company has to have enough capital to execute its business plan.


Management  - Management has demonstrated the ability to successfully commercialize the current company solutions or where they were in a leadership role at their prior companies and built the company to be a successful competitor.


Scalable - Company is capable to scale in order to supply product and support to distribution channel

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